After the sobering intensity of Montgomery, there was a need to defrag. I lucked out big time and found some waterfront sites in a Corp of Engineers Park back in Georgia called East Bank. Two nights and a day of sitting in lawn chairs go a long way in restoring the soul.
While the Corp of Engineers do military construction, I am most familiar with them as dam and bridge builders. Many of their sites have campgrounds and they are almost always on bodies of water. Lake front camping fees at $12 a night (senior prices yay!) sure beats motel costs. Take that Hilton!
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The dam at East Bank. Notice how high the water is - The information kiosk is not quite doing it's job. |
Five minutes into a morning Miko walk, I found that we were in Florida. I guess I could call camping at East Bank life on the border.
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WineTime at Lake Seminole Photo courtesy of Lou |
An hour down the road from East Bank is Tallahassee Florida. I had a list of things to do, but it was raining and it was a good time to continue the East Bank VegOut that I was in the middle of.
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We did find this in Bill Brinson's back yard. They were built as a reaction to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. There are four of them - their names :Glory, Hope, Faith and Grace. |
Tallahassee is also my parting point with my caravanning buddies Lou and Davey. They had plans to continue into the bowels of Florida and the route did not appeal to me. I'm sure that we will find each other again someplace down the road.
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