Friday, November 25, 2022

Another City, Another Fortress


We cruised at night and ended up 152 miles down the river in Vidin, Bulgaria. On board our ship, there is a fitness center and a 'Wellness Host' who has exercise classes during the day. His name was Pedrag. Today, an announcement came over the loud speakers. “Hello, this is Lonely Pedrag, we will have a Morning Stretch in the lounge” It cracked me up – evidently not too many people have been joining his classes. Poor Pedrag. 

Vidin is a small village – well, maybe not that small – I think it has a population of around 40,000 people. After we did the Vidin walking tour, we had free time where we could explore the town and do shopping or whatever. The only problem was that it was Saturday and most of the town shut down in early afternoon. It was almost like walking around a ghost town.

A tiny church

The rather empty street of Vidin but very very clean


See the dog in the lower right corner.  She met us as we got off the ship and walked with us
for most of the walking tour. The guide said that there are a few dogs that the city of Vidin feed and take care of and this was one of the lucky dogs.  

We happened upon a church where a baptism was taken place.  All of the participants posed for a picture.  There was some special significance for the bread of which I do not know.

We went to the Baba Vida, a medieval fortress/castle. Side note: Baba Vida means Granny Vida – named after the woman who inherited the land and built the castle.

Another City, Another Fort

This pathway went up to the ramparts. The stones were very well worn and slick. 
It is where oxen carts would bring up cannonballs and other weapons of war.

We also went to the Epigraphy Museum. Epigraphy you ask? - the study of written matter recorded on hard or durable material.  Ok, I found this rather dull - a bunch of old script carved into what looked like tombstones.  I suppose it is a big deal for some but for me - naw.

I'm rather fond of this picture. 
The letters spell Vidin.

The menu for the Farewell Dinner

The incredible Beef Wellington

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